Minggu nie Aimery dah 24 minggu. Semalam baru bawa dia jumpa GP untuk his immunisation. Sepatutnya pegi 1st May hari tu tapi disebabkan kedua ibubapanya sudah keterlupaan maka kena set balik appointment baru dengan GP. Dapat tarikh 15 Jun. Semalam 3 jap sekali dia dapat. Poor baby! But the good news is tak payah jumpa GP lagi until he is one year old.
So far 3 kali je pi GP for immunisation :
@ 8 weeks : DTa/IPV/Hib and PCV (Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis [whooping cough], Inactivated Polio Vaccine, Haemophilus influenza b [Hib] and Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
@ 12 weeks : DTa/IPV/Hib and Men C (Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis [whooping cough], Inactivated Polio Vaccine, Haemophilus influenza b [Hib] and Meningococcal C)
@ 16 weeks : DTa/IPV/Hib, PCV and Men C (Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis [whooping cough], Inactivated Polio Vaccine, Haemophilus influenza b [Hib], Meningococcal C and Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine).....Tapi yang nie pegi masa dah 24 weeks sebab dah terlupa. Teruk betullah kami berdua nie. Saya lah kot yang teruk. Umur tak masuk 30 tahun lagi dah pelupa (ketuk kepala sendiri).
Walaupun datang hanya 3 kali tapi sekali datang sekurang-kurangnya kena 2 kali jap. Satu kiri dan satu lagi kat peha kanan. But Aimery macam cool je. Mula-mula tu memang ada bunyi sikitlah. But then bila dah kena agah-agah dia ok balik. The best part is lepas jap Aimery tak demam. Syukur alhamdulillah. Amsyar dulu setiap kali jap, setiap kali itulah demam. Cabaran sungguh sebab bila dah demam mummy kena amik EL.
What your baby should be doing at this age?
- Making the transition from milk to solids
- Sitting upright without your help
- Possibly crawling or at least attempting to move
- Sleeping longer at night and less during the day
- Babbling all the time
What not to worry about – crawling
Some babies choose to commando crawl across the room on their arms, others roll about, and some bum shuffle. Whatever method your baby chooses to take is normal, so don’t worry. However, the more tummy time your baby has, the stronger his arms and legs will be and the quicker he/she will start to move. Though all babies are different and while some babies will take off at six months, others won’t move until 10 months and some will skip crawling all together.
What Aimery capable of doing at the moment?
- suka membebel
- senyum bila diagah
- tidur malam lebih panjang dari tidur siang
- nak diulit sentiasa if not, nangis
- minum susu 6oz every 4 hours
- pandai mengiring tapi x lepas untuk meniarap lagi (why so late huh???!!!)
- boleh duduk dengan bantuan
When to start weaning?
Not too early
Most babies are not ready for mixed feeding before six months because:
- They cannot make all the right enzymes to digest a variety of foods and their kidneys may not be mature enough to cope with foods other than milk.
- They have not yet developed enough co-ordination to cope with the foods put into their mouths, and can’t maintain the posture needed to swallow.
- Their kidneys may not be mature enough to cope with anything more than milk.
- If solid foods are introduced early, babies may be more at risk of developing allergies.
- The early introduction of foods may be linked to an increased risk of respiratory illness, coeliac disease, and wheezing in childhood.
- The early introduction of solid foods is associated with an increased percentage of body fat and may contribute to a child being overweight.
Not too late
Most babies are ready to try new foods by the age of six months because:
- The stores of iron that babies are born with are running out; babies need to get new iron from foods.
- Milk is a bulky food; babies have to take more and more of it to meet their needs whereas solid foods are more concentrated.
- Their jaw and tongue have developed enough to cope with eating and swallowing foods.
- The process of learning how to deal with foods helps a baby’s mouth and tongue to develop and helps a baby prepare for speech.
- Most babies begin to cut teeth by six months.
- Many babies begin to pick up things and put them in their mouth; a sign they’re ready to experiment with new tastes!
Walaupun Aimery dah boleh start weaning sekarang tapi saya mengambil keputusan untuk tunggu sehingga akhir bulan ini untuk mulakan solid food dia. So by 1 Julai baru boleh start on puree ke apa-apa. I am so excited about it!!!!
wah..tak demam..Alhamdulillah. Tu la kan, setiap kali budak2 ni kena injection..kita mommies yg worried coz takut demam.
yup..tu yang nak kena tgk tu.kalau dah demam memang la susah. aimery is done with the immunisation at the moment. tunggu dia setahun baru jap lagi. by that time dah balik malaysia...yahoo!!!!
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